Fair Tax Policy

Fair Tax Mark Statement for Make Architects

This statement of Fair Tax compliance was compiled in partnership with the Fair Tax Foundation (“FTF”) and certifies that Make Limited and its subsidiaries (‘we’, ‘our’, or ‘us’) meet the standards and requirements of the FTF’s Global Multinational Business Standard for the Fair Tax Mark certification for the year ended 31 December 2021.

Tax policy

Our tax policy is to always operate within both the letter and spirit of all the tax laws that apply to our operations. Therefore, we don’t use artificial tax avoidance schemes or tax havens to reduce our tax liabilities.

We’re committed to paying all the taxes that we owe in accordance with the spirit of all tax laws that apply to our operations. We believe that paying our taxes in this way is the clearest indication we can give of being responsible participants in society. We will fulfil our commitment to paying the appropriate taxes that we owe by seeking to pay the right amount of tax, in the right place and at the right time. We aim to do this by ensuring that we report our tax affairs in ways that reflect the true economic reality of the transactions that we undertake during the course of our trade.

We will never seek to use those options made available in tax law (or the allowances and reliefs that it provides) in ways that are contrary to the spirit of the law. Nor will we undertake specific transactions with the aim of securing tax advantages that would otherwise not be available to us based on the reality of the trade that we undertake. We don’t use artificial structuring to gain an artificial tax benefit. We only use business structures that are driven by commercial considerations, aligned with business activity and which have genuine substance.

All intercompany transactions are at arm’s length and in line with industry norms; we would never abuse the use of so-called ‘secrecy jurisdictions’ or tax havens to avoid taxes. Each jurisdiction that we have a presence in is underpinned by legitimate commercial activity.

Our financial statements and tax filings will be prepared in compliance with this tax policy, and we will always be open, honest and transparent with tax authorities. Our board of directors shall be responsible for overseeing the application of this policy and can confirm that it has been complied with for the year ended 31 December 2023.

Read the full statement

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