The square was shortlisted for two awards – a national Civic Trust Award which celebrates outstanding architecture, planning and design in the built environment, specifically promoting sustainability, accessibility and inclusivity; and a Selwyn Goldsmith award, which focuses on applauding schemes which promote and respond to the principles of Universal Design – ensuring that places work for all people, no matter your age, ethnicity, gender or ability.

Aldgate Square was the only project out of all the international submissions to receive two separate commendations and received the following feedback from Malcolm Hankey, Executive Director of the Civic Trust:
“This new square and public realm project, through careful thought, planning and public consultation is a generous addition to its surroundings and has brought joy, playfulness, grandeur and intimacy and makes all of us Londoners proud to live in this city”
“This project seems to have improved wellbeing and provided greatly improved access whilst engaging and involving the community throughout the long project journey. The holistic way in which design, management and use of the space has been inclusively progressed makes it a worthy entry for the Selwyn Goldsmith Awards.”