Elephant and Castle Masterplan
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A thriving new urban community

Elephant and Castle Masterplan

  • Location London, UK
  • Status Built
  • Service Urban design
  • Sectors
    Urban design,
  • Area 90,000m²/968,800ft²
  • Client Lendlease, London Borough of Southwark

We designed our masterplan for Elephant and Castle to encompass 2,500 new homes; office, community and leisure space; more than 50 new shops, restaurants, cafés and bars; and significant improvements to the area’s roads, public transport, and pedestrian and cycle routes. The scheme is re-establishing Elephant and Castle as a flourishing urban quarter for both new and existing residents and sparking vital regeneration in this vibrant part of London.

Our framework for the site builds on its strengths as an extremely diverse and well-connected area. The scheme has significantly improved connectivity by introducing direct pedestrian and cycle routes across the former Heygate Estate, and introduces several key public green spaces, including Elephant Park, a vibrant setting for nature, wildlife and beautiful new community spaces. Partially open and due to complete in 2027, the park will be net zero in operation.

With its emphasis on sustainable regeneration, our development plan is bringing substantial social, environmental and economic improvements to the area, transforming its perception and impact as a whole.

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A model for sustainable regeneration

We now have the opportunity to continue the transformation of the area as a place where people want to live, work, shop and relax.
Peter John
Leader, Southwark Council


  • New London Awards 2014 Commended - Masterplans and Area Strategies
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