In 2013 we submitted a proposal to the Airports Commission to extend Stansted into a four-runway hub capable of handling the UK’s expanding aviation requirements. Our self-funded study – which brought together a multi-disciplinary team of airport planners, engineers, economists and ecologists – has made a valuable contribution to the ongoing debate surrounding air transport capacity in London and the South East. The resulting strategic masterplan for Stansted offers a logical, affordable, sustainable response to the UK’s long-term air travel needs.
Stansted’s location in the least-densely populated area of all London airports provides a unique opportunity to increase capacity while minimising noise pollution and removing the need for planes to fly over the city. We’ve proposed adding three new runways, and retaining and converting the airport’s current infrastructure, buildings and facilities. By enhancing existing rail and road connectivity, the hub airport will connect with central London, the rest of the UK and Europe via a fast, reliable service capable of meeting the expected increase in passenger numbers.
Our proposal envisions an incremental, cost-effective and low-impact scheme – one that will generate substantial growth, and strengthen the UK’s position in the national and global economy.

UK development and infrastructure are concentrated in the west; Stansted can rebalance this and boost the east.
We have proved that Stansted is a viable, deliverable and affordable option that will ensure the distribution of growth and economic development.