The Cube
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An icon for central Birmingham

The Cube

  • Location Birmingham, UK
  • Status Built
  • Service Architecture
  • Sectors
    Tall buildings
  • Area 42,000m²/452,100ft²

The Cube is part of Birmingham’s high-profile canalside regeneration, and has had a dramatic impact on the city and its continued revitalisation.

The mixed use building’s geometric form and aesthetic were inspired by Birmingham’s industrial heritage, as well as the image of an ornate metal jewellery box that conceals a bright interior. Dramatic silver and bronze-coloured cladding covers the exterior – a vivid shell for the colourful spread of amenities inside. These include shops and restaurants arranged around a courtyard, and offices, apartments and a boutique hotel housed in the central cube. Crowning the building is a rooftop restaurant – Birmingham’s first – complete with a sky bar.

We took numerous steps to ensure the building’s sustainability, like tailoring the glazing of each façade to reduce solar gain – measures that have earned it a BREEAM Excellent rating. And we’ve made a big effort to knit the street-level routes into their context to ensure the building acts as a new and welcome hub for pedestrians.

The Cube has become an architectural landmark in central Birmingham since it opened in 2010, winning several awards and setting the scene for the area’s long-awaited redevelopment.

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Distinctive, contemporary and drawn from a close examination of the city’s character, The Cube has delivered its brief: it has emerged as one of Birmingham’s landmark buildings and is a magnet for commercial and social life.
Neil Edginton
Former director, Birmingham Development Company

Happy 10 year anniversary to The Cube!


A distinctive presence in central Birmingham that is pivotal to the area’s revitalisation.



  • MADE20 Awards 2013 Twenty best completed developments in the West Midlands region
  • RIBA Regional Awards 2012 Winner - Architecture WM Award
  • Roses Design Awards 2011 Finalist - Engineering Design
  • RIBA Awards West Midlands 2011 Finalist
  • Institute of Civil Engineers West Midlands Awards 2011 Highly Commended
  • Daily Telegraph British Homes Awards 2011 Finalist
  • BCO West Midlands Regional Awards 2011 Finalist
  • BCI Awards 2011 Finalist - Major Building Project over £50million

Project Team

AECOM Fire, Buro Happold, Faithful+Gould, Hoare Lea

Make Team

Frances Gannon, Robert Lunn, Balveer Mankia, Richard Meddings, Jamie Rodgers, Paul Scott, Ken Shuttleworth, Greg Willis
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