World Heritage Day 2020
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World Heritage Day 2020

Posted 18.04.2020
By Make

Make has one purpose: to design the best places, spaces and buildings in the world. We are passionate about the conservation and continued enjoyment of our historic environment, regardless of its age, typology or scale. Our heritage is our legacy. Buildings and sites of historic importance must be celebrated not only for their architectural merit, but also for their social and cultural narratives.

The Birmingham Municipal Bank was founded at the suggestion of Neville Chamberlain in 1916, as a unique banking institution that provided savings accounts for the city's workers
We are reimagining the former bank as 3 Centenary Square for the University of Birmingham

Our design solutions, which stem from International Council on Monuments and Sites guidance, are adapted and tailored specifically to each project. Our deep understanding of the historic significance in all our heritage projects allows us to create solutions that respect, celebrate and preserve the special interest of these precious and important elements. 


Hornsey Town Hall has a rich history as a hub for local events and council activities, but in recent decades has fallen into disrepair
Our restoration prioritises art, education and community, securing the town hall’s future as a neighbourhood focal point

We take great care to ensure that any contemporary interventions coalesce fluently with the historic fabric. Every design solution is bespoke and in keeping with the character and setting of the heritage asset. Our underlying goal is the retention of as much historic fabric as possible, which we achieve by salvaging and reusing elements where required, repairing as first principle, and replacing only where necessary. 

Encompassing this is our fundamental desire for these buildings to live for as long as possible. Sensitively equipping them with the right infrastructure ensures their sustainability and continued use and enjoyment for future generations.

Regent Street 1938 (LMA)
Regent Street St James's today after our restoration for The Crown Estate and Oxford Properties